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Curso psicoprofilactico Lindavista
Curso psicoprofilactico Lindavista
Curso psicoprofilactico Lindavista
Curso psicoprofilactico Lindavista
Curso psicoprofilactico Lindavista
Curso psicoprofilactico Lindavista
Curso psicoprofilactico Lindavista

Curso Psicoprofiláctico

Preparation Course for Respected Birth y  Loving (childbirth or cesarean section) Psychoprophylactic

IPP Lic Claudia Reyes Hernández: Certified Instructor of Perinatal Psychoprophylaxis, Doula and Mother.

Directed: Pregnant woman and her partner (it is the most advisable).

Requirements: Prior Reservation and have more than 12 weeks of pregnancy.

Objective: The participating couples will acquire knowledge that will broaden their perspective, for informed decision-making, and thus be able to live fully all aspects of pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum and breastfeeding.



Humanized Birth, regardless of whether it is childbirth or cesarean section, it is very important that your baby receives contractions to prepare him for his extrauterine life and that once he is born, if he is a healthy baby, he is not separated from you to start breastfeeding correctly and the attachment

When couples manage to conceive their baby, fear and lack of information can lead them to: Not fully enjoy this wonderful stage of their lives. Live your process with anguish. Make inappropriate decisions for your pregnancy, the birth of your baby and your breastfeeding.

Course based on the Mexican Official Standard 007 "Care for Pregnancy, Childbirth, Postpartum and Newborn" and the New recommendations of the World Health Organization "For a positive birth experience".


Lindavista, Condesa/Roma,  Polanco, Santa Fé.

Mobile: 5513017972
Facebook: Novopartum

OFFICES :   Querétaro Lindavista, Condesa/Roma,  Polanco, Santa Fé.

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by Novoparto

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