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claudia reyes


Some years ago I was pregnant with my first child, in 2006 and he came to revolutionize
our life, because from the moment we met him we fell in love with him
my husband and I. We discovered a wonderful part that was within us.


When taking my psychoprophylactic course, an incredible world opened up in front of me, I found it simply fascinating to learn and prepare that pregnancy provides us, the instinctive capacity that our body has to give birth to our children and the happiness that breastfeeding implies. to your baby
From the moment I became a mother, I made the decision with the full support of my
family to guide expectant couples, as there are few sources of information.


Especially to new moms, since the psychoprophylactic course provides comprehensive preparation to new parents, seeking that their baby is born in the best conditions, although sometimes it may not be a natural birth.
I studied in 2008 at La Salle AC University, where together with ANIPP (National Association of Instructors in Perinatal Psychoprophylaxis) I was certified as a Perinatal Psychoprophylaxis Instructor, and I am authorized to teach courses on preparation for Birth and accompaniment to Childbirth or Cesarean section and provide support in lactation.


The courses are based on the Mexican Official Standard 007 for Childbirth Care and the latest Recommendations of the World Health Organization for a positive birth experience.


Since 2009, she founded Novoparto and since then I have taught classes in different locations and supported women in this beautiful process of being mothers.


In 2010 I took as a complement the Course to be a Birth Doula (International Certification of professional companion to childbirth) with DONA International.



From 2010 to 2012 I had the opportunity to be in Pronatal next to Dr Jesús Luján and his team, in the consultation and in births, where I learned a lot more.


In 2011 I was a volunteer from March to September at the Public Hospital "Gea González".
In 2013 I participated in the panel of experts of the “New Steps” program, in the chapter “The Moment of Birth”.


From 2014 to 2015 I taught the Psychoprophylactic Courses and where I was the only labor companion at the Riobamba Boutique Hospital in Lindavista.


In 2017, I was invited by the President of ANIPP (National Association of Instructors in perinatal psychoprophylaxis) to support as a member in the different activities they carry out
to promote Perinatal Education.
In 2018, take the Advanced Breastfeeding Support Course as an update.

Also in 2018 I received the invitation to teach the Birth Preparation Course at the Bite Medica Hospital in Santa Fe, where I continue to this day.


I have had the privilege of having accompanied couples giving birth at Hospital Manuel Gea González, Médica Sur Lomas, some Hospitals of Grupo Ángeles (Interlomas, Lindavista,
etc.), Hospital María José, Hospital Santa Mónica, Hospital Español, Hospital Boutique Riobamba, Hospital Durango, Hospital Bite Medica, etc.
Today I am fortunate and blessed to have experienced a psychoprophylactic and humanized delivery for the birth of my second baby, which is why I am truly convinced of the inner wisdom that women have to be able to fully enjoy the birth of our children and all the benefits of exclusive breastfeeding.

WhatsApp Image 2018-09-18 at

OFFICES :   Querétaro Lindavista, Condesa/Roma,  Polanco, Santa Fé.

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by Novoparto

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